Friday, May 26, 2006

In his own words

Should it be of interest to anyone (and I like to think it might to some), there's an interview with yours truly here ... (Conducted back in January, but delayed (I gather) due to the cat wiping the interviewer's hard drive.)


  1. I am reading, or was before the exams, my dads collection of Asimov books I found on a shelf. They are excellent.

  2. Anonymous5:56 pm

    Thanks for the link, great interview.

  3. Asimov rocks! Even if it's amazing how many of his stories come down to two people talking and working out a conclusion. However, if you start on the Foundations, read the first three (Foundation, Foundation & Empire, Second Foundation) then stop. He went *badly* off in the 80s ...

  4. So far I only read Stars like dust, recomended by my dad, which got me hooked. I haven't had time to read any more yet.

  5. Anonymous6:53 pm

    The Gods Themselves* is probably one of his best. Also try The End of Eternity (though the term "computer" in the book is woefully off the mark given current usage!).


    * Against Stupidity The Gods Themselves Contend in Vain: Schiller, Jungfrau von Orleans

  6. The End of Eternity is staring me in the face as I write this and I will be reading it once the exam are over!

  7. Is it just me or does "Jungfrau von Orleans" sound like part of the first line of a limerick?


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