Tuesday, February 05, 2008

If you control the givens, you can win any argument

A quote from Frank Herbert, apparently. I thought of calling this "Sometimes atheists make it too easy" but that itself would be too easy; as is the "test" below which, masquerading as something vaguely scientific, presents you with highly loaded yes/no questions, indicating even less awareness of Christianity and the real world than is displayed by your average Creationist, to determine your God Delusion Index. May I credit Ship of Fools for guiding me to this.

It finishes "with respect to Richard Dawkins", but I think he would want to disassociate himself as firmly as possible.

For the record, I scored 795 out of a possible 100,009,995 which puts me in the 500-1995 range: "highly deluded". The permitted ranges are: 0-45 normal; 50-95 mildly deluded; 100-495 moderately deluded; 500-1995 highly deluded (hello!); 2000-9995 profoundly deluded; and 10,000+ batshit crazy.

The one thing sadder than the atheist idiot that created this is the Christian idiot who posted it on YouTube, with the comment: "A STUPID video that I found -- a quiz that supposedly measures how deluded by religion you are. I'm glad this hateful moron won't be spending the next trillion years in heaven with Jesus and me!"


  1. I'm highly deluded too, apparently.

    Actually, I liked that video. After being so confused with my faith lately, it was nice to assert some truths.

  2. Well yes, up to a point ...

  3. I found the end rankings quite funny to watch, but otherwise the video was rather silly. The vague questions are just an unfortunate product of trying to make it apply to as many religions as possible. But it was more of a proclamation of this guy's belief than an actual quiz. He maintained that there is no evidence to support any yes answer and yet showed no logic, science or evidence to back up this "fact". Without arguements for and against, the video is simply a proclamation of faith or, if he believes it to be a fair quiz, a sign of his own delusion.

    Interestingly, I got 1395, which begs the question: what did I answer differently?

  4. Well, for the first 7 questions I could answer "yes", since even if I didn't 100% agree, it came close enough to my general sort of belief. From question 8 onwards I couldn't do that, so said "no". I'm guessing one of those might be where your extra 600 points came from.


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