Wednesday, August 01, 2007

At last the truth can be revealed

- five months after the first veiled hint. Having signed the contract I feel sufficiently jinx-proofed to say that my second novel, Wingèd Chariot, will be republished next year by my present publisher, the mighty David Fickling Books. Springish, the last thing I heard, but will confirm more precisely as soon as I can. Text slightly tightened to reflect nearly a decade’s further writing experience.

I’ve removed it from The three people who bought copies since I put it up last November now have rare collector’s editions on their hands. I have confidence in the marketing department of Random House to do a better sales job than I could manage.

It’s getting the works – everything Scholastic didn’t give it first time round, like a decent cover (I’m told) and a hardback edition and US publication and ... and a fighting chance, for crying out loud! And I’m happy.

Sadly the subtly literate impact of the title is lost as it will now be called Time’s Chariot. Apparently people aren’t sure how to pronounce "wingèd" and not enough of them read Andrew Marvell to understand it. A small price to pay, I say.


  1. about time really, considering its a good book. I treasure my original copy with the original title!

  2. That's fantastic news! It's easily the best time-travel book I've ever read - loved the way you worked out paradoxes. The ending's genius, too.

  3. So, that's two people who won't be buying the new edition ... but thanks for the kind words, guys. Everyone else, note the unsolicited comments and buy your own!

  4. I'll buy one to add to my Jeapes signed collection.

    If you've apparently solved time paradoxes then it sounds like quite a read.

  5. As avid Ben Jeapes' fans, a friend and I purchased 2 of the copies; we are very excited to know that we have collector's editions now. We are also very disappointed that the average American cannot pronounce the original title correctly and doesn't recognize the quotation.

  6. Not just Americans, I think it's the average citizen of the free west. A telling indictment etc. But thank you for your support, and spread the word ...

  7. Congrats, Ben; and commiz on having to yet again accept a change of title of one of your books. Still, at least they won't be reclassing all the 'philosophers' as 'sorcerers', will they?

    Will they...??? :)



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