Saturday, July 14, 2007

Clannad going round in my head for some reason

Robin Hood famously fought in an archery tournament where his opponent scored a dead bullseye, whereupon Robin got his arrow so in the middle of the target that that it split the shaft of the arrow previously occupying said bullseye.

Bu I bet he never did this - got his arrow between the strap around the edge that holds the target together, and the target itself. And this after only six tries, the first five of which didn't even hit the target at all. Yup, I think I score over one of England's greatest folk heroes, personally.

Afterwards, for a bit of variety I thought I'd practice actually hitting the target and bunching my shots together. This is about as good as it got ...

Anyway, a social event last night courtesy of the Harwell archery club. Come the great plague that wipes out civilisation, plan A (assuming I'm a survivor) had previously been to head for the homes of various people known to me who have fully legal, licensed and declared firearms for hunting purposes. That might now be knocked back to plan B, while plan A becomes to raid the supplies store of the archery club. It's closer to home, the stores are easier to replenish, and you can reuse the ammunition almost indefinitely. I'm taking the long view on how long it will be for civilisation to recover.

But I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, and meanwhile enjoy the nice bruise that has developed along my inner left arm between elbow and wrist. My forearms are just too manly and muscular and the bowstring kept hitting me there. It's a cross I must bear.


  1. Anonymous9:53 am

    Ben, I think you should take over as one of England's great folk heroes.

    And, wasn't there a point , say, when the fifth arrow went in, that you thought 'up a bit'?

  2. I graciously accept your nomination.

    The strange thing was that so long as I consistently aimed at one part of the target, I consistently hit another. But if I then shifted my aim accordingly, I would hit the target in yet another area. I'm sure there's a complicated equation that can explain it all.

  3. Well if civilisation collapses, we have a fully-stocked games cupboard to keep us amused and I'm sure the cats would happily continue to catch rabbits for us.

  4. Go on, say it. "And once the cats are a bit past it ..."

  5. I think you undersell your ability. I'm sure I saw a few ends were you had a couple in the gold.

    All of which is by way of being a transparent excuse to plug the club:

  6. So transparent I barely noticed ...


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