Friday, December 21, 2007

Bournemouth boa

So, having successfully avoided Bournemouth for most of my life, I drove there today for the third time this year. And handled a snake.

The five foot boa belonged to the neighbour of the flat I was visiting. He has an understanding landlord. And could I resist the chance to hold, um, her?

Snakes feel astonishingly like ... snakeskin, really. Who'd have guessed? Waxy, room temperature snakeskin that creaks when they flex themselves, stretched over corded muscle. First her owner held her while she sampled my fingers with her tongue, but as they probably tasted of WD40 (see yesterday's post) she didn't seem to think much of them. Then he passed her to me. She wrapped her tail tight around my left wrist, not quite enough to cut off the blood but enough that I couldn't have retrieved my hand quickly if I'd wanted to. Then she generally twined herself round my right arm, stuck her neck out and surveyed the room with a proud sort of "I has a tree" look.

Sadly no photo exists of this event as my hands were full in every way, so here's one of me aged 19, in Thailand, similar situation, much bigger snake.


  1. I've got something looks a bit like that waiting to attach itself to your hot water heater. What say you Sunday pm? No hassle to wait if not, it's well behaved and easy to feed.

  2. A snakeskin water spout? Kinky. Anyway, am responding more fully by email.


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