"You will look very handsome," said Best Beloved when she heard about them. An interesting choice of tense, I thought.
The last glasses lasted several years, but were just too face-hugging and the arms were leaving welts between my eyes and my ears. Lately they were actively rubbing the skin off and I was spending my days with plasters on my temples, leading to the inevitable concerned enquiries from friends and/or co-workers. The main design spec (ba-boom!) for the replacements was adequate clearance between arms and head.
Five minutes after putting them on I walked into a pillar in Superdrug, but I don't think anyone noticed.
This has been a weekend of image overhaul, as yesterday I also got measured up for my groom's outfit. Usually I detest spending more than five minutes in a clothes shop and I'm no great fan of suits. I always end up growing out of them - vertically while at school, more lately horizontally. I do have a morning suit inherited from the late husband of a friend of my grandmother's, but it's for someone my height and half my diameter. Somehow it seemed worth making that little extra effort for the big day.
Sorry, ladies, no photos as yet. Just trust me that it's a pretty nice black frock coat and stripy trousers, which not only disguises the fact that the figure beneath it isn't worth a second look, but also makes you think that maybe it is. That is quality tailoring, I tell you.
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